Come join us Worshiping Freely, Unabashedly, Uncompromisingly, Unrestrictedly, “In the Spirit!”
- Unabashedly: without embarrassment or shame.
- Uncompromisingly: not making or accepting a compromise: making no concessions: inflexible, unyielding.
- Unrestrictedly: without restriction.
- “In the Spirit”: with Holy Spirit singing and praying through us.
Expect Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Tongues with Interpretation!
This is a five-fold gathering of equals!
This is not a “church” This is a Sabbath gathering with Holy Spirit! The Sabbath is Friday evening from 6 PM until Saturday evening at 6 PM.
- Sabbath: a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jewish people from Friday evening to Saturday evening. We are adopted seeds of Abraham. Yahushua is the Jewish Messiah.
If you haven’t experienced anointed praise and worship you will be enthralled.
- Enthralled: capture the fascinated attention of.